Erik Albert and Hadda Carolina Hanson
(Parents of Elna Mae Hanson Sorenson)
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Erik Albert Hanson |
April 1, 1871, a son was born to Hans and Anna Stina Anderson. They named him Erik Albert Hanson. He was born in Gustafs Sweden where an older sister Greta Lisa, and two older brothers Hans August and Johan Arvid, waited for his arrival. There were three other sisters but they died as infants, namely; Anna Stina, Anna Mathilda, and Hilda Sofia. Albert grew to be a fine young man. He worked hard and knew what he wanted out of life.
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Hadda Carolina Anderson Hanson |
The Anders Anderson family embraced
the gospel of Jesus Christ. Hadda's brother Erick borrowed money and came to
America. He worked hard and saved enough money in three years to send for two
of his sisters, Hadda and Selma. They joined him in Ogden Utah in June of 1893.
They started work immediately so that they could send the money home to help
their Mother, Father and sister, Anna, come to America. Selma worked in the
home of Bishop Taylor and Hadda worked for Lofdahls, who was a councilor to
Bishop Taylor. It was very hard at first for they did not speak any English. In
the home Hadda lived in they spoke Swedish, which she was very thankful for.
Gustaf rented a farm at West Weber
and it was here that their mother, father and sister Anna came in 1894. They
all lived together there for two years before moving to Central Idaho. At this
time Hadda received her patriarchal blessing. Anders and Gustaf went to Idaho
and homesteaded in Central Idaho. In 1896 the rest of the family joined them.
We are not certain the date Erik
Albert Hanson came from Sweden to America. He traveled by train to Ogden and
was robbed along the way. We can only suppose that in Sweden Hadda and Albert
had been in love and he followed her to Ogden for on January 8, 1897 they were
married in Pocatello Idaho. They lived in Ogden where Albert worked. Later they
moved to Central.
They made their home close by her parents. It was a trying time for them. Water had to be hauled for many miles. In winter-time they melted - snow for water. In the summer they would only cultivate and plant small acreage as implements and horses were scarce. The grain when ripe, was cut by hand with a scythe. Every year the crops would freeze but everyone struggled on.
Four children were born to Albert and Hadda. Two sons; Emery Albert and Lawrence LeRoy, and two daughters; Alda Linnea and Elna Mae. They taught their children to work hard and to do their best. Mae loved to be outside with her brothers and father. Her brothers would help her harness the horses and she would milk her very own cow Miamae. Alda helped her Mother doing the domestic chores.
They tilled the fields with a horse and plow and Mae remembers how special she felt when her father would let her walk behind him as he tilled the ground and she would drop potato seeds into the freshly turned dirt.
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Alda, Mae, Hadda, Erik Albert, Emery, LeRoy The Erik Hanson Family |
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Family they visited during their visit to Sweden |
One summer Albert and Hadda went
back to Sweden. It was a wonderful time for them to see their family. In
Central, the family got together often to celebrate birthdays or holidays. It
was a time they all looked forward to. Getting together was fun, but the food
was even more enjoyable. Nothing tasted better than Grandma's chicken. Albert
worked hard as a farmer and he built many buildings and their home. He was
always busy, never idle and he taught his children to do the same.
It was fun for the grandchildren to
hear their Grandpa and Grandma speak. They would sometime talk to them in
Swedish and when they spoke English they still had a Swedish accent.
Hadda passed away
24 June 1942 at the age of 71. She lived a good life, loving and serving her
family and friends. She would always put the needs of others before her own.
Albert lived alone for the next 10
years. He enjoyed visiting his family and helping where he could. He came and
stayed with Russell and Mae for a while and helped them build barns and sheds.
He wanted to be helpful and work as much as he was able. When the family would
get together he really enjoyed sitting back and watching each of his
grandchildren. He was a man of few words, yet you could feel the love he had
for you through his gentle eyes. In his later years he was in a lot of pain,
yet he never complained.
On June 12, 1952 Erik Albert Hanson
passed away and was buried next to his beloved wife in the Central Cemetery.
Ogden, Utah June 2, 1895
A blessing given by O.N. Liljenquist, Patriarch to Hadda
Carolina Anderson, daughter of Anders Gustaf Anderson and Hadda Christina
Born August 5, 1871 in Solsvabo (Solfvabo), Gustafs in
Dalarna, Sweden
Sister Hadda, in the name of our
Lord, Jesus, and by the power of the Holy Priesthood, I seal upon you a
Father's and a Patriarch's blessing with all the blessings, hopes, and promises
that are given to Abraham's chosen and faithful daughters in the fullness of
times. That you may be protected from evil, clean and innocent before the Lord
and wash your garments white in the blood of the Lamb, be full of faith, hope,
and charity, and drink salvation and peace for your soul from life's fountain.
Be a joy and comfort to your parents, a leader among your sisters- and the
youth of Zion, be a beloved wife and blessed mother. Converse with the Angeles
of the Lord that they may be guests in your house. Protect you from pestilence
and death, give you visions and dreams, whisper in your ear warnings or peace,
and prepare you for the great day that is expected that you may meet the Lord
in the clouds of Heaven. For if you will listen to the still small voice within
you and keep yourself clean and unspotted and keep the commandments of the
Lord, than you shall live to see the redemption of Zion and the building up of
the new
Jerusalem as well as the gathering of Israel, and the fall
of many nations and the coming of the Son of man and the joy of the Saints on
this earth, strive therefore a little while. The Lord expects this of you, and
His angels rejoice over you. You are of the blood of Ephraim and conviction
(faith) belongs to you. Through obedience and faithfulness, you shall obtain
the inheritance and with a worthy companion, you shall enjoy the blessings of
the Holy Priesthood, have crowns, thrones, and kingdoms, and stand at the head
of a numerous family of descendants, enjoy the riches of Heaven and earth,
stand as a savior to your ancestors, and have part in the first resurrection
and the millennium's joy, adorned with life's beautiful crown. All these
blessings I seal upon you by the authority of my calling through your
faithfulness and seal you to eternal life in Jesus' name, Amen.
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